Prof. Glenn Preminger 🇺🇸
MD is the James F. Glenn, Distinguished Professor of Urologic Surgery and Director of
the Comprehensive Kidney Stone Center at Duke University Medical Center, where he focuses on the
minimally invasive management of urinary tract stones including SWL, percutaneous and ureteroscopic
stone removal. He also directs the metabolic evaluation and preventative medical treatment offered at the
Stone Center. Dr. Preminger has extensive experience in developing endoscopic instrumentation for
minimally invasive urologic procedures and co-holds nine patents, in SWL design. Dr. Preminger, along
with Pei Zhong, Ph.D., established The Lithotripsy Laboratory, having been awarded over $10 million in
research support from the NIH. Dr. Preminger has published more than 360 manuscripts, 100 book
chapters and 10 books.
He has served as Co-Chairman of the 1st and 2nd International Consultations on Stone Disease, (2001 &
2007). He was Chairman of the AUA Nephrolithiasis Guidelines Panel (2002-2012), Co-Chairman of the
joint AUA/EAU International Nephrolithiasis Guidelines Panel (2003-2012), Chair of the AUA Office of
Education (2006–2009), Director of Education for the Endourological Society (2011-2017), and President
of the Endourological Society (2020). He has served as SESAUA Secretary (2015-2018) and President
Honors include AUA Residents Committee Teaching Award (2008),International Urolithiasis Society
Lifetime Achievement Award (2016), BAUS St. Paul’s Medal (2013), Endourological Society’s Lifetime
Achievement Award (2018), Endourological Society Honorary Membership (2021), AUA John K. Latimer
Lecturer, (2021), AUA Ramon Guiteras Award (2022), AUA Urology Care Foundation Distinguished Scholar
Alumnus Award (2022), Southeastern Section Representative to the AUA Board of Directors (2023-2025)
and American Association of Genitourinary Surgeons, Secretary General (2023-2028).
30 OCT 2024 Day 1
Advances and practical pieces of advice in the medical management of nephrolithiasis
30 OCT 2024 Day 1
Complex stone management: Aggressive PNL versus multimodal approaches
30 OCT 2024 Day 1
AUA Introduction
30 OCT 2024 Day 1
Controversies in the surgical management of nephrolithiasis
30 OCT 2024 Day 1