Dr. Daron Smith 🇬🇧
Consultant Urological Surgeon to Imperial College Academic Health Sciences Centre in January 2007, and returned to UCH in March 2009 to re-join the multidisciplinary team that comprises the stone/endourology unit. In addition to the comprehensive surgical management of patients with urinary tract stones, run a metabolic stone clinic for high risk stone patients. unit also co-ordinates and delivers the endourological management of ureteric obstruction, including patients with malignancy and related to obstruction in complex reconstruction, and also provides diagnostic and therapeutic ureterorenoscopy for upper tract TCC.
an active teacher and trainer, and lecture on stones/endourology regionally and nationally. have helped make the stone team's skills training courses a great success, and have also taught on similar courses internationally. continue to run a course for senior urological trainees to provide direction for an appropriate consultant post (established in 2012). & teach on the BAUS FRCS(Urol) revision course, lecture on the “basic Science” of stone disease for the Scientific Basis of Urology Course, and also involved in multiple “hands on” courses for simulation training.
an active role within BAUS section of endourology (Chair Autumn of 2019-Dec 2021; Vice-Chairman 2017-2019; Secretary 2015-2017; committee member 2013-2017). have chaired or delivered plenary academic sessions on stone disease each yeat at the annual BAUS conference since 2012. have lectured on, and now co-ordinate the “Modern Management of Stone Disease” course at BAUS 2012 to the present. was invited to join the editorial board of the BJU International from January 2013, and was appointed consulting editor (stone disease) from January 2014-2020. founding deputy editor for JELEU (Journal of Endoluminal Endourology). currently a reviewer for The BJUI, The Journal of Urology, The Journal of Endourology, Urology and The World Journal of Urology.